
APHA 2023回顾趣赢平台的活动


趣赢平台 staff made a strong impact on the 2023 American 公共卫生 Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & 世博会将于2023年11月12日至15日在乔治亚州亚特兰大举行! 今年会议的主题是 Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges, and we followed up with some of our experts in public health research, 健康的通信, and human resources to see what 趣赢平台’s presence brought to the conference.


我们的公共卫生专家就紧迫问题进行了介绍, including disparities in opioid overdose deaths and using meaningful measures of community engagement to ensure trust and inclusion in research. “APHA gives us the opportunity to share potentially life-changing research with the broader public health community,” Jennifer Kuo, MHS, 趣赢平台 Vice President and Practice Director for 公共卫生. “当我们在这样的论坛上互相学习时, we amplify the impact of our work and the work of others.”

根据 唐娜·杜兰特·阿特金森博士, Associate Director for 行为健康 and Health Policy, “Understanding the impact that the opioid epidemic is having on the U.S. 人口非常重要.  We need to know where to allocate resources to address risky behaviors.  While the impact has been predominantly in the White population, our research shows that Blacks are being impacted at an alarming rate especially those over 45 years of age.”

趣赢平台’s Muntasir Sayeedi and Busola Saka at the NIH Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) booth.

趣赢平台 staff also helped to represent our National Institutes of Health (NIH) Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL) client, meeting with conference attendees at the CEAL booth and supporting 2 special events focused on the impact of this work. Muntasir Sayeedi, 英里每小时, 研究助理, staffed the booth and observed: “It’s crucial for public health advocates to be aware of an NIH initiative that is dedicating immense resources for community-engaged approaches. It was an honor to support CEAL at APHA this year and give attendees the opportunity to learn about the importance of community-engaged research, how CEAL utilized that to mitigate COVID-19 disparities during the pandemic, 以及eal的未来目标.”

韦斯特的Busola Saka, MPP, 首席研究助理, agreed about the importance of CEAL’s presence at APHA: “The public health community was able to learn more about how CEAL is partnering with communities to research and implement community-driven interventions to address health inequities.要了解更多关于CEAL的信息,请访问 CEAL网站.


我们在展位上见了几百人, 趣赢平台员工分享我们工作信息的地方, 与潜在的合作伙伴聊天, and spread the word about our internship program and other open positions on our team.

我是特丽·福克斯, 贝丝Slotman, 帕特丽夏Shifflett, and 凯利迪丹吉 pose in front of 趣赢平台’s conference booth.

凯利迪丹吉, Associate Director of Talent Management and Development, said “APHA was an amazing opportunity to meet so many professionals in the public health field and share information about careers and internships with 趣赢平台. 韦斯特在公共卫生方面的工作, 再加上远程工作, 灵活性, and our collaborative company culture make us an employer of choice.”

对我们的工作感兴趣? 查看我们的 网站的职业页面 for open positions, including the first of our 2024 summer internships, and follow us on LinkedIn.


APHA的日子很忙,时间过得很快! 我们邀请客户, 合作伙伴, 和求职者一起喝咖啡, 冰沙, and breakfast one morning to get a jump start on the day while having a low-key opportunity to network. Now that remote and flexible work schedules have allowed us to work across the country, it’s more important than ever to get together in person when we have a chance.

韦斯特的凯莉·迪丹吉, 劳伦斯赖赫利, 斯科特皇家, 蕾妮·克劳斯, 和丽贝卡·芬克在韦斯特的APHA社交早餐会上.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to see us at presentations, our booth, or at breakfast. 和你交流很愉快!









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