
Leading with Diverse Ideas: 爱德华兹 Shares Vision for JSSAM


With 4 decades of designing 和 managing large, complex surveys, 趣赢平台’s 布拉德•爱德华兹 has decided to add another leadership position to his resume by becoming one of 2 Editors-in-Chief of the 调查统计与方法杂志(JSSAM). 爱德华兹, a 副总统 和 首席科学/方法顾问 in the Data Solutions Sector, 加入艾米丽·伯格, 博士学位, 爱荷华州立大学副教授, 这个职位从七月开始. 在这个Q中&A, 他解释了他接受这个编辑职位的原因, 其固有的挑战和机遇, 以及他和伯格打算如何定位 JSSAM to tackle new 和 emerging research on survey statistics 和 methodology in a time of significant changes in the field. 

Q. 是什么促使你接受这个新角色的? 

A. 几个原因. It offers me another opportunity to engage with the best 和 brightest in the field, 帮助他们在事业上发展, 和, 通过这样做, 回报我热爱的职业. And it allows me the chance to learn about 和 consider new, innovative survey methods 和 applications 和 share them widely through the journal.

Q. What challenges 和 opportunities do you expect to have?

A. A major challenge will be keeping up with submissions 和 reviews. We’ll be getting approximately 150 submissions per year, but we only publish 5 issues a year with about 12 articles each. So, Emily 和 I will be assigning them to associate editors, but we will still need to conduct overall reviews 和 make final decisions regarding their publication. In terms of opportunities, we will be able to position JSSAM at the center of several challenges related to our field. 例如, 我们的领域在不断变化, facing serious challenges to its foundations of probability sampling 和 st和ardized interviewing, 它们是近一个世纪前建立的吗. 我们的回复率在下降, 增加成本, 和 greater prevalence of data from non-probability-based surveys, which magnify other difficulties associated with survey statistics. But if we broaden the journal’s reach by developing greater diversity within the editorial team 和 seek more articles that address issues important to survey statistics 和 methodology today, 我们相信我们能够找到应对这些挑战的答案.

Q. 你打算怎么贴上自己的邮票 JSSAM 塑造杂志的方向和重点?

A. 多样性, 股本, 和收录(DEI)将是我们期刊的重点, 所以我们的编辑团队, 贡献者, 文章内容也会多样化. 这会让期刊更强大. We also plan to push new 和 emerging issues to the forefront such as the use of video interviews 和 artificial intelligence (AI) in surveys 和 the renewed interest in causal inference.

Q. Can you elaborate on your plan to make DEI the guiding value for JSSAM?

A. We will form an editorial team with a mix of substantive interests 和 expertise 和 draw these associate editors from academia, 行业, 和政府. To increase efforts to attract new reviewers 和 贡献者, we’ll publicize JSSAM across a wide range of platforms 和 focus on its social media presence. We also plan to seek some associate editors from outside North America 和 Europe. 正如我提到的, 鼓励多元化的参赛作品, including those from survey statisticians in earlier stages of their careers. We also hope to develop a special issue on DEI issues in surveys, 内容从观点到实践.

Q. Speaking of attracting 贡献者, you’ve recently co-authored a paper in JSSAM. 是关于什么的?

A. Reconsidering Sampling 和 Costs for Face-to-Face Surveys in the 21st Century 是关于家庭调查的, exploring a sample design that uses census tracts at the first stage rather than counties as traditionally used. The traditional design was developed more than 70 years ago, 还有很多关于旅行费用的假设, 监督, 培训, 当地的劳动力——今天撑不住了. This research shows cost benefits with higher effective sample sizes, 对当代的面对面调查至关重要.

Q. 你如何看待即将到来的新职位?

A. 我很荣幸被选为这四年的任期, 和 I am grateful to 趣赢平台 colleagues who helped me consider this role. 我期待着开始.



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